2017 Edition

Mohamed Miftah

Mohamed Miftah



Born 1947 in Hay Mohammedi, Casablanca, he is a Moroccan star of film, theatre and television who performed in national and in foreign productions. 

A Very young Mohamed Miftah lived a very tragic event when his mother was shot by the French while in full demonstration with his him in her arms. He then grew up under the guidance of his mother-in-law until, towards the end of the 1950s, he discovered his passion for theatre. At the youth home of Hay Mohammedi, Mitah acted and directed several plays. At that time, Tayeb Saddiki recruited talented actors in Hay Mohammedi. Mohamed Miftah joined the troupe and played in dozen plays directed by Saddiki while working with other directors.  

Towards the mid-1960s, Moroccan television was starting up. Miftah became one of the first actors of drama. In cinema, Miftah starred in many important films where he was directed by almost all Moroccan filmmakers, starting with Nabyl Lahlou until Nabyl Ayouch and many more. He also, co-starred in several international films (Italian, French and others) as well as in Arab productions like Mostafa Akkad’s El-Resala. Recently on television, he co-starred in Egyptian serials like BAB EL-KHALK with Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz and MAAMON & CO. with Adel Imam.